「脊椎微創一次性手術工具」脊椎微創手術多元,保留最多正常結構進而達到最小破壞為主軸 “Spine Minimally Invasive Disposable Surgical Instruments” Minimally invasive spinal surgery is multivariate, and the principle is to preserve the most structure to achieve the minimum damage

「脊椎微創一次性手術工具」脊椎微創手術多元,保留最多正常結構進而達到最小破壞為主軸 “Spine Minimally Invasive Disposable Surgical Instruments” Minimally invasive spinal surgery is multivariate, and the principle is to preserve the most structure to achieve the minimum damage


降低感染減輕術後疼痛,滿意度 9 5

Less infection and less post-operative pain, 95% Surgical satisfaction


2020 奇美醫學中心神經外科暨電腦刀中心王哲主任引進“NEO 脊椎微創一次性手術工具”,為病人提供另一個減少感染機率的選擇。在兩年多 25 病人的經驗中,手術部位感染 0,術後再手術率 0,平均住院日 5.7 天,平均術前疼痛指 8 可降至術後一週小於 2,整體手術滿意度高達九成五。


Che-Chuan Wang, Director of Neurosurgery and CyberKnife Center of Chi Mei Medical Center, explained: Minimally invasive spinal surgery has become one of the options for spinal surgery for some people. Minimally invasive surgery has been developed in the field of the spine for decades and is suitable for various surgical diseases. The primary purpose is to minimize the damage to the tissue to solve the patient’s pain. That is to say, the correct concept of minimally invasive spinal surgery is not to pursue the appearance of minor wounds but to pursue the least damage to the tissue during surgery.

In 2020, Director Che-Chuan Wang of Chi Mei Medical Center’s Neurosurgery and CyberKnife Center introduced the “NEO Spine Minimally Invasive Disposable Surgical Instruments” to provide patients with another option to reduce the chance of infection. In more than two years of surgical experience with 25 patients, the surgical site infection was 0, the post-operative reoperation rate was 0 percent, the average hospital stay was 5.7 days, the average pre-operative pain index of 8 could reduce to less than 2 in one week after surgery, and the overall surgical satisfaction is as high as 95 percent.

