創新醫療成果揭幕 SRT 表淺性放射線治療 Demo Day成果驚豔 Innovative medical achievements unveiled: SRT superficial radiation therapy Demo Day has astonishing results

創新醫療成果揭幕 SRT 表淺性放射線治療 Demo Day成果驚豔 Innovative medical achievements unveiled: SRT superficial radiation therapy Demo Day has astonishing results


首屆上和集團 SRT 表淺性放射線治療於2023年起跑,於4月21日舉行成果發表Demo Day,本次主題以“蟹足腫 (Keloid scars)” 表淺性放射線治療為主題。

期間,上和集團同創新團隊由患者需求著手,邀請各領域專業專家共同提出尚未被滿足的醫療需求解決方案,外部夥伴Sensus 團隊共襄盛舉,現場有近40位專家學者蒞臨。

The first SRT superficial radiation therapy of Upbeat Group started in 2023, and the Demo Day was held on April 21. The theme of this event is “Keloid scars” superficial radiation therapy.

During the event, Upbeat Group and the innovation team started from the needs of patients and invited professional experts in various fields to jointly propose solutions for unmet medical needs. The external partner Sensus team participated in the grand event, and nearly 40 experts and scholars attended the scene.




